Harvard Commission on Disabilities Meeting Minutes 2/17/21 Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85929402291?pwd=NitlYTdCdjlsS2lmUmtDTjJ3VmxLZz09 Meeting ID: 859 2940 2291 Passcode: 278463 Called to Order at 4:00 pm by Davida Bagatelle Present: Davida Bagatelle, Toni Spacciapoli Approval of January 21, 2021 Meeting Minutes Old Business * The Commission will begin to convert posted Pdf files to txt files. Will investigate approaches as to the best ways to inform Town boards and commissions to consider converting their postings to make them website accessible. Davida Bagatelle suggested using the Harvard Press as a vehicle to disseminate information from the Commission on Disabilities to the community and boards and commissions. * Followed up on the invitation sent to Town entities. Discussion to divide the Town’s commissions/boards between the Commission members to touch base and introduce one’s self and Commission. Will create a spreadsheet on Google drive and each member will select an entity with which to schedule a meeting. * Discussion about using the Harvard Press as a vehicle for sharing information to the community that is collected from ADA newsletters, webinars, etc. It was agreed that members will select articles that may be appropriate for posting. * Followed up on information sent to Tim Bragan from a private citizen concerning informative links for ADA community that may be posted on the Town’s website. The members determined that although the information was interesting, it will not be posted. New Business * Welcomed Mike McCue, Chair of the Town of Lancaster Commission on Disabilities. He has served on Lancaster’s commission for 10 years. He was invited to provide insight and perspective into launching the Town of Harvard’s Commission on Disabilities and its advisory capacity. He suggested that the Commission’s approach may be: Bring awareness to stakeholders, educate on scope and purpose of Commission on Disabilities, and engage town entities; Be proactive and emphasize continued communication with town government; Conduct audit in all key areas in town, highlight problems and prioritize; Form a spreadsheet that drives the process (i.e., action item and status). * Other suggestions offered included: * Adding questions to the town census that invite residents to identify if they have a disability and ask if interested in serving on the Town’s Commission on Disabilities or to volunteer for the Commission. This information is used for emergency management and to recruit volunteers Pledge that the information is not shared with the public. Asked Mike to share a copy of this survey. * Developing a survey that identifies quality of life issues in the community as a way to be proactive in providing needed services in the community. * Generating ideas. Mike suggested that the Commission does not always need to review ideas with the Select Board or other entities in the town. As an example, Lancaster's Commission has a subcommittee that identifies businesses in town that are not compliant or accessible for individuals with disabilities and reaches out to the businesses. This subcommittee notifies a business and engages the applicable entity in town (i.e., building inspector). In the letter, the commission notifies the business of a problem and offers a solution to help the business be in compliance. The commission also engages the town stakeholders to be on board to enforce the compliance, and as a last resort, a complainant can notify Massachusetts Office of Disabilities. * Looking for sponsorship - pro bono work from a business in the town to help the Commission carry out its mission. * Seeking volunteers to help the Commission. The Commission identifies a project and volunteers are assigned the work to set up and carry out the project. E.g., Facebook/social media presence. * Acknowledging Accessibility Awareness Month in October. Pick a theme as a way to inform the community about the disability. * Arranging face-to-face meetings with stakeholders in town - building inspector, select board, town administrator, park and recreation. * Davida Bagatelle summarized information from the ADA Feb 11 webinar and the discussion of public space use when considering Covid-19 restrictions. Next Steps * Look at resources on the ADATA.org website * Davida Bagatelle will contact the Harvard Press for space in the newspaper. * Toni Spacciapoli will create a google spreadsheet of contacts on Town Boards and Commissions. * Continue to attend webinars Next Meeting Date: March 17, 2021 4:00 PM ADJOURNMENT- Motion to adjourn at 5:32 pm. Respectfully submitted, Toni Spacciapoli, Commission Secretary